Vaginitis Test: Symptoms, Causes, Vaginal Health, and Vaginitis Testing Cost

Symptoms of Vaginitis and Testing Cost

Women’s general health includes their vaginal health. The capacity to have an orgasm, desire for sex, and fertility can all be impacted by vaginal issues. Consistent vaginal health difficulties can also lead to stress, relationship challenges, and lowered self-esteem. In this blog, we provide you with an understanding of the checks to be performed that will prove vaginal health.

  1. What is vaginitis?
  2. What is a vaginitis test?
  3. What are the types of vaginitis?
  4. What are the factors that cause Vaginitis?
  5. What kind of symptoms are seen in Vaginitis?
  6. How do test for vaginal bacteria?
  7. How is the vaginitis test performed?
  8. How to prepare for a vaginitis test?
  9. What are the treatment options for vaginitis?
  10. Providers Locations

For our readers, who are more interested in knowing the vaginitis test cost beforehand, we begin with that section.

How much does the vaginitis test cost?

A vaginitis test costs $199 in the U.S. The cost of a vaginitis test also depends on your choice of visiting the nearest lab or getting tested at home using the vaginitis home test kit. Complete the procedure and get the results in your email in 2 to 5 business days. Doctor consultation is also available for further treatment or any kind of medical advice. 

The following table shows the vaginitis home test kit cost by one of our partners located in the U.S.

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  • Reports – 2 to 5 days
  • The entire U.S. except for New York.
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What is vaginitis?

Vaginitis, commonly referred to as vulvovaginitis, is a general term. The phrase refers to a wide range of conditions that inflame or infect the vagina or vulva.

Bacteria, viruses, or yeast infections are some of the potential causes of vaginitis. Additionally, it may be transferred between partners. Another contributing factor may be the absence of estrogen causing vaginal dryness.

What is a vaginitis test?

A vaginitis test searches for the underlying factor, typically a yeast, bacterial, or parasite infection, which is the source of vaginal itching and discharge.

At-home vaginal sample collection kits help in the diagnosis of vaginal infection. LetsgetChecked is a credible healthcare provider that provides home kits to collect vaginal swabs and eventually get you started with treatment choices through a virtual consultation so you can relieve yourself from your vaginal infections. This test only identifies trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis, and candida vaginitis.

Whats is Vaginitis in Women

What are the types of vaginitis?

Vaginitis is of the following three types of vaginitis;

  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

The most typical vaginal infection among women between the ages of 15 and 44 is bacterial vaginosis (BV). Bacterial vaginosis is linked to poor obstetric and gynecologic outcomes including premature birth, and hysterectomy, and may increase a woman’s vulnerability to STDs, particularly HIV.

  • Candida Vaginitis (CV)

Candidiasis, or yeast infections, occurs because of the overgrowth of candida in the vagina. Yeast is known scientifically as Candida. It is a fungus that inhabits nearly all environments, including your body. It is the second most typical kind of vaginal infection in the USA.

  • Trichomonas Vaginitis (TV)

Trichomoniasis is a parasite-based sexually transmitted illness. During sex, it is transmitted from one person to another. Many individuals are symptom-free. If you do experience symptoms, they usually appear between five and twenty-eight days following the infection.

What are the factors that cause Vaginitis?

Vaginitis is commonly caused because of the following:

  • A bacterial imbalance or infection in the vaginal area.
  • Lower estrogen levels upon menopause
  • Hormone changes during and post pregnancy
  • Allergens in contact
  • Some skin issues, such as dermatitis

Causes for Bacterial vaginosis (BV):

  • When the “good” and “bad” bacteria are unevenly distributed.
  • Excess consumption of antibiotics
  • Having sex without protection with a new partner
  • Douching
  • Utilizing a uterine device (IUD)

 Causes for Candida Vaginitis(CV):

  • Antibiotics
  • Pregnancy
  • Particularly if it is not effectively controlled, diabetes
  • Corticosteroid drugs

Causes for Trichomonas Vaginitis (TV):

TV is brought on by a little parasite called Trichomonas vaginitis. Once infected, you can spread TV to another person by doing the following:

  • Either vaginal-penile or vaginal-vaginal sex.
  • Anal sex.
  • Sexual interaction (skin-to-skin contact without ejaculation).

What kind of symptoms are seen in Vaginitis?

During a routine gynecological checkup, vaginitis is found.

The causes of the vaginal infection might affect the vaginal infection’s symptoms. Some individuals show no symptoms.

When occurring, common symptoms include:

  • Vulval swelling or itching
  • Burn while urinating
  • Vaginal discharge that may smell
  • Discomfort or pain during sexual activity

Symptoms for Bacterial vaginosis (BV):

Up to 84% of those who have bacterial vaginosis (BV) are symptom-free. In such case, you may have:

  • Discharge that has a “fishy” scent.
  • After intercourse or throughout the menstrual cycle, a “fishy” odor is most noticeable.
  • Vaginal discharge of an off-white, gray, or green color (fluid).
  • Occasionally, pain or irritation in the vagina.

Symptoms for Candida Vaginitis (CV):

  • Swelling of the vulva and severe redness.
  • Pain and discomfort in the vagina
  • Genital rash
  • A thick, white, odorless discharge from the cervix that resembles cottage cheese
  • Watery vaginal discharge

Symptoms for Trichomoniasis (TV):

  • Discharge from the genital area may be yellow-green or gray.
  • The vagina and vulva become itchy, burning, and sore.
  • Sexual odor
  • Uncomfortable sex
  • unpleasant urination

When you identify the above symptoms, then it becomes imperative to perform vaginitis and approach your doctor to get yourself treated.

Types of Vaginitis and their symptoms

How do test for vaginal bacteria?

There are multiple ways your doctor can perform the test to confirm whether you have a Vaigitis infection. Initially, a lab test is ordered to detect the bacteria, and if the test turns out positive, further consultation and follow-up testing like examining the pelvis or a vaginal pH test may be required: 

Take a sample for laboratory analysis: To determine vaginal health, a vaginal health test is performed (a vaginitis test) to determine the type of vaginitis you have, you may obtain a sample of your cervical or vaginal discharge for laboratory analysis and the results can indicate whether or not a person has vaginitis.

Examine your medical background: Any prior experience with genital or sexually transmitted illnesses is included in this.

Examine the pelvis: Your doctor may peek into your vagina during the pelvic exam using a tool called a speculum to check for irritation and discharge.

Conduct a vaginal pH test: Your doctor may use a pH test stick or pH paper to apply to the vaginal wall in order to measure the vaginal pH levels. A higher vaginal pH level is an indication of trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginosis. But, a vaginal pH test analysis by itself is not a valid diagnostic procedure since its results are not 100% credible.

How is the vaginitis test performed?

A sample of vaginal discharge is taken using a sterile cotton swab that is placed into the vagina. The test should not really hurt, although you may feel pressure or uneasiness. Every day from Monday to Friday, the sample must be taken in the morning and returned that same day using the protected discreet packaging provided along with the kit. Results will be informed in about 2-5 days in a secure manner.

How to prepare for a vaginitis test?

The day before your appointment, your doctor may advise you to refrain from douching. Some doctors may additionally request that you abstain from sexual activity and stop using tampons 24 hours before the test. Also, it is not advised for you to test while you are pregnant or when you are having your period.

What are the treatment options for vaginitis?

According to the particular type of vaginitis infection you have, your doctor will personalize your care. Before your doctor prescribes anything, let them know if you’re pregnant or suspect you could be pregnant.

Yeast infections can be treated with oral antifungal drugs, vaginal suppositories, or prescription vaginal creams.

Trichomoniasis and Bacterial vaginosis can be treated with a prescription for oral antibiotic medicine.

Your doctor would advise you to stay away from any items that can irritate you if you have noninfectious (irritant) vaginitis, such as vaginal sprays, perfumed soaps, and fabric softeners. It is recommended refrain from having sexual relations while receiving treatment. To ensure that the vaginitis has been cured after therapy, you might need to be tested once again.

Providers Locations

A vaginitis test can be done at any of your nearby labs or with our partner who sends the at-home test kit to your doorstep. To know the cost of a vaginitis at-home test kit, refer to the first section of the article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are vaginal infections similar to STDs?

STDs do not include candida and bacterial vaginosis. Although an STD, trichomoniasis is the most prevalent and easily treatable one.

Can BV test positive for herpes?

Depending on which variant of Herpes it is, the symptoms of the disease often develop as sores and blisters in the genital and/or oral regions. Thus, it is mistaken for Bacterial vaginosis.

How accurate are the test results?

All tests are analyzed at labs that have CLIA certification and CAP accreditation. Thus the results will be accurate. It is to be noted that every kit includes detailed instructions that show you how to take your sample and if you don’t follow these guidelines, there’s a chance your results won’t be accurate.

Can you get relief from (Bacterial Vaginosis) BV without any treatment?

Yes, because the bacteria is not harmful and don’t lead to any severe or long-term symptoms, there is quite a high chance your body can regain balance on its own. However, if the symptoms persist for long, it is recommended that you take a Vaginitis test and speak to a doctor.

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